Arq. David Fernández Núñez
LG/ A Arrotea-Vilameán, Nº6 Baixo
36747 Tomiño, Pontevedra
Galicia, España



Website of the Colexio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia (Professional Association of Architects in Galicia), where you can find information and useful tools for citizens.``

Website where you can check the updated version of the CTE (Spanish Technical Building Code).

Website where you can find cadastral data and cadastral cartography.

Website of the SIOTUGA (Galician Territorial Planning and Urban Planning Information System) where all Galician planning instruments and urban planning information are published.

Website where you can view cartography of the PBA (Autonomous Basic Plan).

Website where you can download cartography of the IET (Galician Territory Studies Institute).

Website of IADE `{`Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving (of Spain)`}`, with information on energy savings, public energy subsidies, utilities, etc.

Website of INEGA (Galicia Energy Institute website), with information on energy procedures and some public subsidies.

Website where you can make authorizations for representation before different administrations, with full legal validity.

REG (General Spanish electronic registry) website.

Website of the electronic area of the Xunta de Galicia, where you can send and receive notifications from the Xunta de Galicia.


Engineering Company.

Construction and design company.

Vigo Urban Planning Bureau website.

International infographic architect.

Multiservice company.