Arq. David Fernández Núñez
LG/ A Arrotea-Vilameán, Nº6 Baixo
36747 Tomiño, Pontevedra
Galicia, España



In compliance to the regulations on the protection of personal data and specifically to the European Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR)


1 Who is the owner of the website and Data Controller?


Architect, member of Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Galicia [COAG], in Vigo delegation, with membership number 4.067.

Professional address: LG/ Arrotea-Vilameán Nº6 Baixo; 36747 Tomiño [PO] Galicia.



2 For what purpose do we process your personal data?

Your data will be processed by DFN_ARQ for the following purposes:

1.- For the provision of services requested by the user, that is, by way of example,

1.1.- To send an economic proposal.

1.2.- To execute a contract (technical advice, development of a building project, etc.).

1.3.- For human resources

2.- To carry out administrative tasks related to the activities that DFN_ARQ performs;

3.- To comply with legal obligations and with resolutions of the judicial and administrative authorities;

4.- To send you commercial, advertising or promotional communications relating to services similar to those requested, by any electronic means (including email, WhatsApp or other messaging app, and telephone…) and without prejudice to your right to refuse to receiving communications by sending email to:


3 Category of data processed.

Identifying data

  • First names, last name
  • Company and position held
  • Address
  • E-mail address
  • Telephone number

Data relating to buildings, work-sites and/or projects

  • Building preferences/preferences
  • Measurements and characteristics of home and/or buildings or work-sites

If they are data related to self-employed professionals, also

  • Account number

If they are data related to labor personnel, also

  • Social security affiliation number
  • Salary data that in accordance with current regulations are included in a payroll.


4 Origin of the data

The data are provided by the interested party through the following forms

– Web form

– E-mail address

– Business card

– Contract

– On-site data collection

Personal data provided by a third party through:

– Contract. The data of a natural person who signs and/or is designated in the contract by one of the parties for the execution of the contract is processed.

– Internet pages where the identification and contact data of the companies are provided.

In case of obtaining data from a third party, the data subject/user is informed of the processing of data in accordance to Article 14 of the GDPR.


5 What is the legal basis for data processing?

Data subjects are solely responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the personal data. DFN_ARQ is not responsible for the use of false, inaccurate, incomplete and/or outdated data provided.

To this effect, DFN_ARQ informs of the lawfulness in process:

1st.-Performance of an agreement to which the data owner is a party or is related to it.

2nd.-Compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the data controller.

3rd.-Legitimate interest

Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party and such interests are not overridden by the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject. The data subject is never a minor. DFN_Arq has a legitimate interest in processing he data relating to the data subject for carrying out a business activity in order to be able to inform him/her about technical consultancy and town planning services that may be of use to the company in which he/she performs his/her duties.

In any case, the interested party is duly informed.

4th.- Express consent

Express consent is a legitimate basis for the processing of personal data.


  1. How consent is obtained

The fulfillment and sending of the forms, both in paper and web format, implies the express consent of the interested party to the privacy policy for the purpose indicated.

  1. Periods of conservation of the information

The interested party is informed that, in compliance with the principle of limitation of the storage period, the data collected are processed solely and exclusively for the time necessary and for the purposes for which they were collected.

DFN_ARQ has established the following storage period. The data will be kept for the term of the contractual relationship plus an additional maximum term of 10 years after the end of the contractor after the last communication, in application of the Civil Code and tax regulations.


8 Transfer and communication of data: recipients or categories of recipients

Your data will not be disclosed to third parties except with your express consent or if It is necessary for the fulfillment of a contractual or legal obligation.

Your data may be communicated to third parties, who, where appropriate, hold the position of a data processor, for the fulfillment of a contractual or legal obligation. In this sense, your data may be communicated to accounting, tax or legal advisors and urban planning/construction service providers for the performance of a contract.


9 International data transfers

We inform you that DFN_ARQ does not carry out international transfers of data to countries where there is a different level of security and protection than those established in the EEA.


10 Existence of automated decisions that produce legal effects for the data subject

The following treatments are not carried out:

– Automateddecisions.

– Automatedprofiling.


11 Further processing

Should DFN_ARQ require the further processing of your personal data for a purpose other than those set forth in this Privacy Policy, you will be informed in advance, including all the information that is legally required, as well as the purposes foreseen for such processing.


12 Exercise of Rights

In compliance to the provisions of the regulations, DFN_ARQ informs about the rights

– Right of access to personal data,

– Right of rectification

– Right of erasure,

– Right to limitation of processing of personal data

– Right to data portability;

– Right to refuse to the processing of your data and to withdraw the consent granted.

DFN-ARQ also inform you that you can claim the protection of your rights (right of complaint) before the supervisory authority in each country.


13 How to exercise your rights

To exercise any of the aforementioned rights, you may send a written request identifying yourself and indicating in the right you are exercising and which data your request affects.

  1. Email:

  1. Postal mail:

LG/ Arrotea-Vilameán 6 Baixo; 36747 Tomiño [PO] Galicia.


To request the protection of your rights (right of complaint) before the Control authority, you can send a letter to:

Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (Spanish Data Protection Agency)

C/ Jorge Juan, 6 – 28001 Madrid

Telephone numbers: 901 100 099 / 91 266 35 17


If you need any clarification, you can contact DFN_ARQ at